If you live to be 70 years old, you will have used more than 10,000
hours reading newspapers and magazines and more than 50,000 hours watching t.v., videos and movies |
At the end of your life, the Good Lord is going to say: "I went to a lot of trouble to write the Handbook of Life for you. Did you ever read it?" |
"No, Lord, I didn't have time" ???????? "No, Lord, I never got round to it" ???????? |
Make a resolution now: "Before I die, I'm going to read the whole Bible!" |
Aim at one chapter a day. It will take 5
minutes (compared with 150+ minutes a day for newspapers, magazines, t.v., videos) |
To encourage you to keep this resolution, Rosa, Kevin & I
have prepared a Bible Quiz for you to answer: 3 questions for each chapter of the Bible. Each question has three possible answers: After you read the chapter, put a tick beside a).... or beside b)..... or beside c)..... |
Please start with The Gospel according to Matthew, which is
the first book of the New Testament. Matthew has 28 chapters. I hope you can finish these 28 chapters in a month. After Matthew comes The Gospel according to Mark. Then Luke, then John, then The Acts of the Apsotles etc.... 5 minutes a day, each day: what could be a better New Century Resolution! |
If you don't have a Bible, or would like a better translation, please let me know and I'll help you get you one |
p.s. Before each chapter, a little prayer: "O
Holy Spirit, please help me understand what I'm about to read..."
each chapter, a little prayer: "Dear Jesus, help me put into practice what
I've just read..."