Judith 友弟德傳
Chapter 1 Nebuchadnezzar sent a message to the nations
near Assyria But the peoples of those places ignored
Nebuchadnezzar. But Nebuchadnezzar was in fact victorious |
章 当时拿步高是亚述王, 拿步高向亚述附近的国家发出信息,
但实际上是拿步高获胜, |
Dear God, please help all nations to live in peace with each other |
亲爱的神,请帮助所有国家彼此和平共处 |
Nation after nation, people after people, fell to the sword of
Holofernes. |
章 拿步高召唤他的总司令敖罗斐乃, 国家一个又一个,人一个接一个,被敖罗斐乃的刀击毙。 一些地方把他们所有的财产给他, 当敖罗斐乃的部队靠近以色列, |
Dear God, please help nations |
亲爱的神,请帮助受到别国入侵的国家 |
Chapter 5 He asked Achior, leader of the neighboring Ammonites, for information about the Israelites. Achior told Holofernes of the Israelites' history: how God had freed them from Egypt, how they had conquered the land of Canaan, and how God protected them. Holofernes ignored Achior's advice and decided to attack the Israelites. |
章 当敖罗斐乃听说以色列人在抵抗他时, 他问邻国阿孟人的统帅阿希约尔,有关以色列人的资料。 阿希约尔告诉敖罗斐乃以色列人的经历: 敖罗斐乃忽视阿希约尔的忠告, |
Dear God, please protect our country from war and strife |
亲爱的神,请保护我们的国家免受战争和斗争之害 |
章 敖罗斐乃不仅忽视阿希约尔的忠告,他嘲笑他,因他认为以色列人可以抵抗他的军队。 敖罗斐乃其后将阿希约尔交给以色列人“遭受相同的处罚,如同他们将会从敖罗斐乃的部队所接受到的。” |
Dear God, when people ridicule
us for speaking the truth, |
亲爱的神,当人们嘲笑我们说真理时, |
Chapter 7 For 34 days the siege continued, until the people of Bethulia were weak from thirst. The people of Bethulia prayed hard to God for
help. |
章 敖罗斐乃围攻以色列山城拜突里雅。 敖罗斐乃强行占有拜突里雅的供水泉, 围攻持续了三十四天,直到拜突里雅居民因干渴而虚弱。 拜突里雅居民努力地向神祈求帮助。 拜突里雅的首長计划再坚持五天才投降。 绝望笼罩着全城。 |
God, help of the helpless, |
神,帮助无助的人, |
Chapter 8 When she heard about the situation of Bethulia |
章 友弟德住在拜突里雅。
她巳守寡三年。 当她听说拜突里雅的处境时, |
Dear God, when life gets tough, help us to keep trusting you |
亲爱的神,当生活变得艰巨时,帮助我们坚持信任你 |
"Lord God, help of the oppressed, support
of the weak, |
第 9 章 友弟德将灰撒在头上,俯伏在地, “主神,帮助受压迫者,支持弱者, |
Dear God, help us to imitate
Judith |
亲爱的神,帮助我们效法友弟德, |
She told the Assyrian soldiers that she was fleeing from Bethulia since it would soon be attacked. She said she wanted to give Holofernes some important information. The soldiers took her to meet Holofernes. |
第 10 章 友弟德穿上她最漂亮的衣服和首饰。 她告诉亚述士兵,她从拜突里雅逃离, 她说她想给敖罗斐乃一些重要消息。 军人带她会晤敖罗斐乃。 |
Dear God, please give us the courage of Judith |
亲爱的神,请给我们友弟德的勇气 |
She said that the Jews planned to
break God's laws She said she would monitor the situation each day and let Holofernes know when the Jews were abandoned by God and ready to be attacked by Holofernes. Judith's words and beauty won
over Holofernes and his staff |
第 11 章 友弟德非常机灵当她对敖罗斐乃说话时。 她说几天后犹太人打算吃祝圣过的食物, 她说她将每天监察有关情况, 友弟德的话和美丽说服了敖罗斐乃和他的同僚, |
Dear God, please give us wisdom
and tact |
亲爱的神,请给我们智慧和思路以应付难缠人 |
Holofernes was so captivated by Judith's
beauty All the while Judith kept praying to God for strength and help. |
章 敖罗斐乃允许友弟德和她的使女每晚住宿在一座专用的帐幕,而每早到靠近拜突里雅的一个水泉去沐浴和祈祷。 三天后,敖罗斐乃为他的同僚设宴。 敖罗斐乃是如此着迷友弟德之美丽, 那时,友弟德不断向神祈求力量和帮助。 |
Dear God, please give me |
亲爱的神,请给我多一点友弟德的信心和勇气 |
She went outside and gave the head to her
maid. Judith and her maid then left the camp They went straight to Bethulia and showed Holofernes' head to the people. The people were overcome with joy |
章 当宴会在深夜结束时, 向神祈求力量后, 她走到外面和将头颅给她的使女。 友弟德和她的使女那时离开营地, 他们直往拜突里雅,然后给民众看敖罗斐乃的头颅。 民众充满喜悦,并为他借着一个女人的手所做的事而称赞神。 |
Dear God, please give people the courage to confront injustice |
亲爱的神,请给人们勇气去对抗不正义 |
The Jews gave thanks to God for all that Judith had done. Judith praised the God of Israel for rescuing the Jews: "Lord you are great, you are glorious, |
章 天亮时犹太人攻击亚述营地。 犹太人为友弟德所做的事感谢神。 友弟德赞扬以色列神拯救犹太人: “主你是伟大的,你是荣耀的, |
Dear God, thank you for the
story of Judith. |
亲爱的神,谢谢你友弟德的故事。 |