
Chapter 1 (1 - 6)

From Paul, appointed by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus,
to the Christians in Colossae.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father

I always pray for you and give thanks for your faith in Christ Jesus, and the love you show to others because of the hope which is stored up for you in heaven

The Good News is spreading all over the world, bringing blessings to so many people

Jesus, increase my faith, hope and love. Help me  spread the Good News in my corner of the world


Chapter 1 (9 - 14)

I pray that you will continue to grow in your Christian life,
a life full of good deeds

Never give in when trials come, but bravely, even joyfully,
carry your cross each day

Keep on thanking the Father who has rescued us from the power of darkness, and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we gain our freedom, the forgiveness of our sins

Father, thank you for letting me be a Christian.
Help me be a good Christian


Chapter 1 (15 - 20)

Christ is the image of the unseen God.
In him were created all things.
All things were created through him and for him

Before anything was created, he existed.
He holds all things in unity

The Church is his body. He is its head

God wants all things to be reconciled through him
who brought peace by his death on the Cross

Jesus, God the Son become man, may our world
find reconciliation and peace in you


Chapter 1.24 - 2.2

As I sit in my prison, I am at peace in my suffering, offering up my suffering to Christ for the sake of his body, the Church

God chose me to reveal to you his sacred message: Christ, your hope of glory,  is among you

My aim is to bind you together in love, and to keep you growing in your knowledge of God's plan for your lives

"Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together, With cords that cannot be broken,
Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together, Bind us together in Love"


Chapter 2 (6 - 8)

You must live your whole life according to the Christ you have received - Jesus the Lord

You must be built on him and held firm by the faith you have been taught

Make sure no one deceives you with any teaching based on the principles of this world instead of on Christ

Jesus, please protect people from false teaching


Chapter 2 (9 - 18)

In Christ's body lives the fullness of divinity.
In him, you too find fulfillment

In baptism, you were buried with him and then raised to new life.
Our real life is life with and in Christ

Be careful of people who are always going on about some vision they have had, giving such visions more importance than Christ himself

Jesus, may my focus always be on you


Chapter 3 (1 - 2)

Since you have been brought back to true life with Christ,
focus on heaven, where Christ is, sitting at the Father's right hand

Let your thoughts be more on heavenly things,
less on the things that are on earth

Jesus, please help me think more often about heaven.....since that's where I hope to spend all eternity! Help me understand how this present world is just a temporary arrangement


Chapter 3 (5 - 11)

Kill all the bad things that trouble earthly life:
fornication, impurity, evil desires, greed, anger, bad temper, spitefulness, abusive language, dirty talk and lying

You have deleted your old self, and have downloaded a fresh copy of the divine image. That image is Christ. He must be installed in every part of your life

Jesus, take over my life. Install yourself in every part of my life


Chapter 3 (12 - 14)

You are God's special friends. He loves you.
You should be clothed in sincere compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience

Allow for other's weaknesses. Forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. The Lord has forgiven you. You must forgive others

Over all these clothes, to keep them together and to complete them, put on love

Jesus, help me be a better and kinder person



Chapter 3 (15 - 16)

May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts.
Always be thankful

Let the message of Christ, in all its richness, find a home in you.
Help each other grow in wisdom

With gratitude in your hearts, sing songs to God

Jesus, live in my heart. Please live in my heart


Chapter 3.18 - 4.1

Wives and husbands, understand and support each other.
Children, be obedient to your parents.
Parents, treat your children fairly or else they will rebel

Slaves, be obedient and respectful to your owners.
Offer up your work to the Lord, our Heavenly Owner

Owners, be just and fair to your slaves. Remember your Heavenly Owner

Jesus, help families to live together in harmony


Chapter 4 (3 - 21)

Pray for me, in my chains,
that I may proclaim the message of Christ as clearly as I should

Be tactful with people who are not Christians.
Use friendly conversation with them

Greetings from the believers here with me.
Greetings to all the believers in your area

Grace be with you all

Jesus, may my conversation with non-Christians help them know you