New   Century   Resolution
Dear  Friends,
In  2000, Pope John Paul asked each of us to make a special New Year Resolution,   a New Century  Resolution: to promise to read the Bible each day.
If you live to be 70 years old, you will have used more than 10,000 hours  reading newspapers and magazines  
and more than 50,000 hours watching t.v., videos and movies
At the end of your life, the Good Lord is going to say:  
"I went to a lot of trouble to write the Handbook of Life for you.  Did you ever read it?"
"No, Lord, I didn't have time"    ????????       "No, Lord, I never got round to it"  ????????
Make a resolution now:     "Before I die,  I'm going to read the whole Bible!"
Aim at one chapter a day. It will take 5 minutes 
(compared with 150+  minutes a day for newspapers, magazines, t.v., videos)
To  encourage you to keep this resolution, Rosa, Kevin & I have prepared a Bible Quiz for you to answer: 
3 questions for each chapter of the Bible.     Each question has three possible answers: 
After you read the chapter, put a  tick        beside a)....      or  beside b).....    or  beside c)..... 
Please start with The Gospel according to Matthew, which is the first book of the New Testament.  
Matthew  has 28 chapters.    
 I hope you can finish these 28 chapters  in a month. 
After Matthew comes The Gospel according to Mark. Then Luke, then John, then The Acts of the Apsotles  etc.... 
5 minutes a day, each day: what could be a better New Century Resolution! 
If you don't have a Bible, or would like a better translation, please let me know and I'll help you get you one
 Pope John Paul says many Christians are spiritually undernourished because they neglect the Bible. We all need a daily Bible reading - to give us hope and courage, to give us guidance and strength, to keep us humble and close to the Lord.  We live in a spiritually polluted world: we need to spend a few minutes each day in the fresh air of the Bible. Let's give the Lord 5 minutes a day; a chapter a day; our New Century Resolution!
 Yes please, Lord!!

p.s. Before each chapter, a little prayer: "O Holy Spirit, please help me understand what I'm about to read..."
       after   each chapter, a little prayer: "Dear Jesus, help me put into practice what I've just read..."