Bible Quizzes - Numbers_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Numbers - Chapter 1
戶籍紀 - 第一章

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1 (v.23) The total for the tribe of Simeon was  (23節)西默盎支派的人數是
A. 59,300 五萬九千三百
B. 59,200 五萬九千二百
C. 59,100 五萬九千一百

2 (v.46)The full total of men 20 years & over was: 二十歲以上的男人總數是
A. 603,505 六十萬三千五百零五
B. 603,515 六十萬三千五百一十五
C. 603,550 六十萬三千五百五十

3 Who pitched their tents around the tabernacle? 誰在會幕四周紮營?
A. the sons of Levi 肋未子孫
B. the sons of Joseph 若瑟子孫
C. the sons of Judah 猶大子孫