Bible Quizzes - Leviticus_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Leviticus - Chapter 1
肋未紀 - 第一章

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1 (v.4)"He is to lay his hand on the victim's......" (4節)"他先按手在全燔祭牲的......"
A. shoulder 膊頭上
B. head 頭上
C. heart 心上

2 (v.4)"and it shall be accepted for his ........" (4節)"使祭牲蒙受悅納,代自己......"
A. atonement 贖罪
B. glory 光榮
C. praise 讚美

3 (v.17) "and its fragrance will ........the Lord" (17節)"它的芳香會使上主....."
A. glorify 光榮
B. bless 愉快
C. appease 和緩