Bible Quizzes - Judith_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Judith - Chapter 1
友第德傳 - 第一章

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1 (v.1)Nebuchadnezzar was king of the  (1)拿步高為........王
A. Persians 波斯
B. Assyrians 亞述
C. Medes 瑪待

2 (v.12)Who got angry? (12)誰大怒?
A. Arphaxad  阿法撒得
B. Nebuchadnezzar  拿步高
C. the Persians 波斯人

3 (v.12)Nebuchadnezzar swore to  (12)拿步高發誓要
A. take revenge 報復
B. make peace 締造和平
C. sacrifice his kingdom 犧牲他的王國