Bible Quizzes - Judges_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Judges - Chapter 1
民長紀 - 第一章

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1 In v.6, whose thumbs & big toes were cut off? 在6節,誰的手腳姆指被割去?
A. the 70 kings 七十位王子
B. Adoni-bezek 阿多尼貝則克
C. the Canaanites 客納罕人

2 (v.22-26)Luz is the old name of ....... (22-26節)路次是......的舊名字
A. Bethlehem 白冷
B. Bethel 貝特耳
C. Bethsaida 貝特賽達

3 (v.28)Who were subjected to forced labor?  (28節)誰被迫服役?
A. the Canaanites 客納罕人
B. the Israelites 以色列人
C. the Edomites  厄東人