Bible Quizzes - Deuteronomy_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Deuteronomy - Chapter 1
申命紀 - 第一章

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1 (v.6-42)Who is speaking? (6-42節)誰說話?
A. God 天主
B. Moses 梅瑟
C. Eleazar 厄肋阿匝爾

2 (v.26)"you rebelled against the voice of....... (26節)"你們違背了.......的命令"
A. God 天主
B. Moses 梅瑟
C. Eleazar 厄肋阿匝爾

3 (v.31)"The Lord carried you as a man carries his......"  (31節)"上主攜帶你們如同人攜帶自己的...... "
A. child 兒子
B. wife 妻子
C. parents 雙親