Bible Quizzes - Romans_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Romans - Chapter 1
羅馬書 - 第一章
(not an easy book to read 一本不易閱讀的書)

Click on the correct answers 請選取正確答案

1 When Paul wrote this letter   當保祿寫這封信時
A. he had already been to Rome  他已到過羅馬
B. he was in Rome   他在羅馬
C. he had not yet been to Rome   他未曾到過羅馬

2 We can know God   我們能夠認識天主
A. only by reading the Bible   只有透過閱讀聖經
B. by realizing that this beautiful world has a Creator   透過領悟這美麗的世界原是有一位創造者
C. only if we go to church   只有去教堂

3 Which of these statements is true?   那是真的
A. Paul says that homosexual ("gay") practices are gravely wrong. 保祿說同性戀是嚴重的錯誤
B. Paul says that homosexual practices are o.k.  保祿贊成同性戀
C. Paul says that homosexual practices cause illness 保祿說同性戀令人生病