Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Revelation - Chapter 1
默示錄 - 第

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1 (v.2,3) John, the author of this book, is   (2,3節) 若望,本書的作者是
A. John the Baptist   若翰洗者
B. John the Apostle (author of the 4th Gospel and 3 Letters)
C. John Mark   若望馬爾谷

2 (v.4) This letter is addressed to how many churches in Asia?                                                 (4節)這封信是寫給亞細亞幾多個教會?
A. 7   七個
B. 17   十七個
C. 27   二十七個

3 (v.9) Patmos was   (9節)帕特摩是
A. a holiday resort   一個渡假勝地
B. a monastery   一所修道院 
C. a prison   一所監獄