Bible Quizzes - Gospel_Matthew_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

The Gospel according to Matthew - Chapter 1
瑪竇福音 - 第一章

Click on the correct answers 請選取正確答案

1 How many women are listed in verses 1-16?  1-16節列出了幾多個婦女?
A. 四個
B. 五個
C. 六個

2 Who was Solomon's father?  誰是撒羅滿的父親?
A. Obed  敖貝得
B. Jesse  葉瑟
C. David  達味

3 How many grandparents did Jesus have?  耶穌有幾多個外祖父母及內祖父母?
A. 兩個
B. 三個
C. 四個