Bible Quizzes - Galatians_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

Galatians - Chapter 1
迦拉達書- 第

Click on the correct answers 請選取正確答案

1 Where did Paul's conversion take place? 保祿在那地方皈依?
A. in Jerusalem 在耶路撒冷
B. on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus 
C. in Damascus 在大馬士革

2 Which is/are true? 那是真的?
A. the Pope can change the Good News 教宗能夠更改福音
B. there can be more than one Good News 福音不止一個
C. any group (e.g. Mormons) which adds to or changes the Good News is making a mistake

3 When Paul went to Jerusalem (v.18), who did he see?
A. all the apostles 所有宗徒
B. Peter (= Cephas) 伯多祿(=刻法)
C. Peter and James 伯多祿和雅各伯