Bible Quizzes - Acts_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 1
宗徒大事錄 - 第一章

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1 "My first book" is  "第一本書"
A. The Gospel of Matthew  瑪竇福音
B. The Gospel of Mark   馬爾谷福音
C. The Gospel of Luke  路加福音

2 Jesus was taken up to Heaven:  耶穌被接升天是在
A. 30 days after his death   祂死後的三十天
B. 40 days after his death  祂死後的四十天
C. 50 days after his death  祂死後的五十天

3 Judas was replaced by  接替猶達斯的人是
A. Barsabbas  巴爾撤巴
B. St Paul   聖保祿
C. Matthias  瑪弟亞