Bible Quizzes - 2_Corinthians_1

Bible Quiz 聖經測驗

2 Corinthians - Chapter 1
格林多後書 - 第一章

Click on the correct answers 請選取正確答案

1 When Paul wrote this letter, where was Timothy?  當保祿寫這封信時,弟茂德在那裏?
A. in Corinth   在格林多
B. in Rome   在羅馬
C. with Paul   和保祿一起

2 What was Jesus' answer to all God's promises?  耶穌怎樣回答天主的一切應許?
A. no  
B. yes and no   是和不
C. yes  

3  "Amen" (verse 20) means "阿們"(20節)意思是
A. some men  一些人
B. "praise God"   "讚美天主"
C. "yes, it's true!"  "是,這是真的!"