The Pilippians Hymn (click to listen)
O Lord, unite us in your love
and keep our minds in you
O Lord, unite us in your love
and keep our minds in you
you were God in state divine
you did not cling to what you were.
No, you shed your glory's shine
so as to live just like a slave
Lord, unite us in your love
and keep our minds in you
came on earth in human form
and you shared our troubled life.
A humbler man there never was,
even in death obedient
Yes, Lord,
death upon a cross,
yes, upon a cross
Therefore are
you raised on high
and you have the name of names.
At that name should bend the knee
and tongue confess: Jesus Christ is LORD.
And tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.
And tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.
To the glory of God the Father